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Spoken English Syllabus

I’ve often found Spoken English courses for older students online but never for younger ones, so in the course of my teaching career, I developed this Syllabus, focusing specifically on Spoken skills ONLY.

Spoken English Syllabus is given below:


1st Semester

  1. Greetings
  2. Use of Pronouns in Spoken
  3. Teacher Commands 1
  4. Student Requests 1
  5. Courtesy Words
  6. Family
  7. My School Day
  8. Professions
  9. Daily Activities
  10. The Human Body

2nd Semester

  1. Emotions
  2. Teacher Commands 2
  3. Weather
  4. Seasons
  5. Animals
  6. Student Requests 2
  7. Back from School
  8. Land Forms
  9. Manners
  10. Islam                    


1st Semester

  1. Introduction
  2. Use of Pronouns in Spoken
  3. Greetings
    1. 4 Vocabulary Words
    1. 2 Phrases
  4. Teacher Commands
    1. 6 Phrases
  5. Student Requests
    1. 6 Phrases
  6. My School Day
    1. 5 Phrases
  7. Courtesy Words
    1. 5 Vocabulary Words
    1. 3 Phrases
  8. My Family
    1. 8 Vocabulary Words
  9. Professions
    1. 8 Vocabulary Words
  10. Weather
    1. 8 Vocabulary Words
  11. Daily Activities
    1. 6 Phrases
  12. Plants
    1. 8 Vocabulary Words

2nd Semester

  1. Emotions
    1. 8 Vocabulary Words
  2. Visit to the Doctor
    1. 4 Vocabulary Words
    1. 4 Phrases
  3. Morning Time
    1. 4 Vocabulary Words
    1. 4 Phrases
  4. Back from School
    1. 4 Vocabulary Words
    1. 4 Phrases
  5. Animals
    1. 8 Vocabulary Words
  6. Land Forms
    1. 8 Vocabulary Words
  7. My Country
  8. Visiting a Toy Shop
    1. 4 Vocabulary Words
    1. 2 Phrases
  9. Manners
    1. 8 Vocabulary Words
  10. Islam
    1. 8 Vocabulary Words
  11. Water Bodies
    1. 8 Vocabulary Words
  12. The Human Body
    1. 8 Vocabulary Words


1st Semester

  1. Introduction
  2. Use of Pronouns in Spoken
  3. Teacher Commands
    1. 8 Phrases
  4. Student Requests
    1. 8 Phrases
  5. My School Day
    1. 8 Phrases
  6. Courtesy Words
    1. 5 Vocabulary Words
    1. 3 Phrases
  7. My Family
    1. 10 Vocabulary Words
  8. Professions
    1. 10 Vocabulary Words
  9. Weather
    1. 10 Vocabulary Words
  10. Daily Activities
    1. 8 Phrases
  11. My School Day Part 2
  12. Plants
    1. 8 Vocabulary Words

2nd Semester

  1. Emotions
    1. 8 Vocabulary Words
  2. Visit to the Doctor
    1. 4 Vocabulary Words
    1. 4 Phrases
  3. Morning Time
    1. 4 Vocabulary Words
    1. 4 Phrases
  4. Back from School
    1. 4 Vocabulary Words
    1. 4 Phrases
  5. Animals
    1. 10 Vocabulary Words
  6. Land Forms
    1. 10 Vocabulary Words
  7. My Country
  8. Visiting a Toy Shop
    1. 4 Vocabulary Words
    1. 4 Phrases
  9. Manners
    1. 4 Vocabulary Words
    1. 4 Phrases
  10. Islam
    1. 4 Vocabulary Words
    1. 4 Phrases
  11. Water Bodies
    1. 8 Vocabulary Words
  12. The Human Body
    1. 8 Vocabulary Words     

Grade 1

1st Semester

  1. Introductions
    1. What is an Introduction?
    1. Basic Introduction
    1. Fun Introduction
  2. Student Requests
    1. How to request things in school?
    1. Practicing different requests.
  3. Manners
    1. What are good manners?
    1. Why are they important?
    1. Learning Phrases
    1. Practice
  4. Daily Routine
    1. What is a daily routine?
    1. Mapping my daily routine.
    1. Learning Phrases
    1. Practice
  5. Family
    1. Family Members
    1. Making a Family Tree
    1. Learning how to explain my family.
    1. Practice
  6. Professions
    1. What is a profession?
    1. Different Professions
    1. My Future Profession
    1. Speaking Practice
  7. My School Day
    1. Vocabulary
    1. 5 Things I like about my school day.
    1. 5 Things I dislike about my school day.
  8. My Country
    1. About Pakistan
    1. My National Identity
    1. History of Pakistan
  9. Water Bodies
    1. What are water bodies?
    1. Vocabulary
    1. Water bodies I love
    1. 5 lines about my favourite water bodies
  10. Land Forms
    1. What are land forms
    1. Vocabulary
    1. Creating my own landscape
    1. Explaining my landscape
  11. Movie: The Incredibles

2nd Semester

  1. Provinces
    1. What are provinces?
    1. Pakistan’s Province
    1. Phrases
    1. My Province
  2. Neighbouring Countries
    1. Which are Pakistan’s neighbouring countries?
    1. Map of World
    1. My Favourite neighbouring country.
  3. Forms of Transport
    1. What is transport?
    1. Different forms
    1. Vocabulary
    1. My favourite form of transport.
  4. Emotions
    1. What are emotions?
    1. Vocabulary
    1. Expressing emotions
    1. Practice
  5. The Human Body
    1. Vocabulary
    1. Draw yourself
    1. Explain the drawing
    1. Practice
  6. Shopping
    1. Vocabulary
    1. Phrases
    1. Make your own shopping list
    1. Explain
  7. Sports & Exercise
    1. Vocabulary
    1. Benefits of Sports & Exercise
    1. Why we should exercise
    1. My favourite sport
  8. Islam
    1. What is Islam?
    1. Prophet Muhammad
    1. Lessons Learnt from Prophet Muhammad’s Life
    1. I am a Muslim
  9. Animal Kingdom
    1. What is the Animal Kingdom?
    1. Vocabulary
    1. My favourite animal
    1. My least favourite animal
  10. Plant Kingdom
    1. What is the Plant kingdom?
    1. Vocabulary
    1. Plant cuttings
    1. My favourite plant
  11. Movie: Inside Out

Grade 2

1st Semester

  1. Introductions – How to introduce yourself
  2. Dictionary Making
  3. Conversations
    1.  What is a conversation?
    1. Types of Conversations
    1. Practice Scenarios:
      1. Shopping
      1. Ask mother to go to park
      1. Phone call to my cousin
      1. Class-fellows have to do a project together
  4. Debate
    1. What is a debate?
    1. Debate Rules
    1. Practice
      1. Should children go to school?
      1. Should teachers give homework?
      1. Should here be class rules?
  5. Movie: Home Alone
    1. Summarizing the story
    1. Answering questions
    1. Discussion of the movie

2nd Semester

  1. Speech
    1. What is a speech?
    2. How to give a speech?
    3. Speech construction using prompts and hints
    4. Speech Practice
      •  My Future Profession
      • Good Manners
      • Islam
      • My Favourite Subject
      • My School
      • My Family
  2. Storytelling
    1. What is a Story?
    2. Story Formation
    3. How to tell a Story?
    4. Practice making stories:
      • The Happy Boy
      • The Big Crow
      • The Wild Fox
  3. Movie: ET the Extra-Terrestrial
    1. Summarizing the story
    2. Answering questions
    3. Discussion of the movie

Grade 3

1st Semester

  1. Introductions – Further Elaboration
  2. Dictionary Making
  3. Speech
    1. Speech Construction
    1. Speech Practice
      1.  My Favourite Story
      1. Cleanliness
      1. My Family
      1. The Life of Prophet (PBUH)
      1. My favourite Season
      1. The country I want to travel to
      1. Music
  4. Conversation
    1. Best Conversation Techniques
    1. Practice Scenarios:
      1. Call a friend to borrow their notebook
      1. Parent Teacher Meeting
      1. Talk to principal about a problem
      1. Welcoming a new class-fellow
      1. Stopping a bully
      1. Ask for help from a class-fellow
  5. Movie: Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone
    1. Summarizing the story
    1. Answering questions
    1. Discussion of the movie

2nd Semester

  • Idioms
  • Debate
    • Debate Rules
    • Best Debate Techniques
    • Practice
  • Should there be uniforms in school
    • Should students give exams?
    • Should schools have a canteen?
    • Should children be given an allowance?
  • Storytelling
    • Story Breakdown
    • Listening to Stories
    • Retelling Stories
    • Story Formation
    • Practice
      • A class project
      • A trip to Karachi
      • A child who becomes principal
      • A cricket game
  • Movie: Paddington
    • Summarizing the story
    • Answering questions
    • Discussion of the movie

Grade 4

1st Semester

  1. Dictionary Making
  2. Conversations
    1. Practice Scenarios:
      1. Going to a restaurant
      1. Visiting a Bank
      1. My favourite Food
      1. What I did in summer holidays
      1. Going to a vegetable market
      1. Meeting a foreigner
  3. Speech
    1. Best speech techniques
    1. Practice
      1. My family Traditions
      1. Mother’s Day
      1. Five of my favourite words
      1. My favourite subject
      1. The Quran
  4. Movie: Jurassic Park
    1. Summarizing the story
    1. Answering questions
    1. Discussion of the movie

2nd Semester

  • Proverbs
  • Debate
    • Practice
      • Should children be permitted to have pets?
      • Should you have a TV in your room?
      • Should you choose your own Bedtime
      • Should School hours be changed to 12 to 6pm?
      • Should you choose your own bedtime?
    • Television is better than books
  • Storytelling
    • Story Breakdown
    • Story Formation
    • Story Retelling
    • Practice making stories:
      • A boy who saves someone from a car
      • My cooking adventure
      • A trip to the supermarket
  • Movie: Spy Kids
    • Summarizing the story
    • Answering questions
    • Discussion of the movie
  • Drama
    • Class will work on and perform the play “Puss in Boots”

Grade 5

1st Semester

  1. Pronouns and Idioms
  2. Dictionary Making
  3. Conversations
    1. Practice Scenarios
      1. Receiving an award
      1. Inviting your class-fellows to a birthday party
      1. Requesting help in math
      1. Calling the school to excuse yourself due in sickness
      1. Welcoming a new teacher
  4. Speech
    1. Best speech techniques
    1. Practice
      1. How do rainbows work
      1. Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa
      1. Pakistan and Kashmir
      1. How do planes fly?
      1. My dream vacation
      1. The Importance of Hadith and Sunnah
  5. Movie: Captain America: Civil War
    1. Summarizing the story
    1. Answering questions
    1. Discussion of the movie

2nd Semester

  1. Question Forms
  2. Debate
    1. Practice
      • Animals should not be kept in cages
      • School should be 2 hours longer
      • Computers should replace teachers
  3. Storytelling
    1. Story Breakdown
    2. Story Formation
    3. Story Retelling
    4. Practice making stories:
      • My pet
      • Visit to a museum
      • A lesson about friendship
  4. Movie: Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope (1977)
    1. Summarizing the story
    2. Answering questions
    3. Discussion of the movie
  5. Drama
    1. Class will work on and perform the drama “The Selfish Giant”.

Grade 6

1st Semester

  1. Pronouns and Idioms
  2. Dictionary Making
  3. Conversations
    1. Practice Scenarios
      1. Family gathering
      1. Movie preferences
      1. Religions of the world
  4. Speech
    1. Best speech techniques
    1. Practice
      1. How do dams work
      1. History of Mughal Empire
      1. The Four Rightly Guided Caliphs
  5. Presentations
    1. What is a presentation?
    1. Presentation examples
    1. Giving a pre-written Presentation
    1. How to construct a presentation?
    1. Form Presentations on the following
      1.  Solar System
      1.  Children’s Rights
      1.  My Favourite Film
  6. Movie: The Dark Knight
    1. Summarizing the story
    1. Answering questions
    1. Discussion of the movie
    1. Group Presentation

2nd Semester

  1. Suffixes and Prefixes
  2. Debate
    1. Parliamentary Style Debates
    2. Practice
      • Democracy vs. Dictatorship
      • Hard Work vs. Genius
      •  Should children be allowed to vote?
    3. Resolution Style Debating
      • Practice problems
        • Kashmir Issue
        • Israel Issue
  3. Storytelling
    1. Story Breakdown
    2. Story Formation
    3. Story Retelling
    4. Practice making stories:
      • A group of friends who win a trip to Italy.
      • What you would do if you met your favourite celebrity
      • A friendly alien who comes to Earth
  4. Tenses
  5. Possessives and plurals
  6. Movie: X-Men
    1. Summarizing the story
    2. Answering questions
    3. Discussion of the movie
    4. Group Presentation
  7. Drama
    1. Class will collectively write a story
    2. The story will be converted to a drama
    3. The class will perform the drama
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