Most of the time pregnancy leads to many problems like back ache, joint pain and most of all nutritional deficiencies. Women need more nutrition and they should avoid stressful thinking and should avoid heavy work. But in the poor families most of the time avoiding stress is not possible.
The use of Epsom salt can help pregnant women to overcome health related problems. It has many benefits which could be gained through soaking feet in the warm water by adding Epsom salt to the water.
Here we give some of the benefits of using Epsom salt:
- Improves digestive system
It improves digestion and the nutrients in food are absorbed in the blood stream with ease and without much loss. It also helps in the stomach problems like diarrhea and constipation.
- Relieves aches and pains
It give relief to cramps, joint pains and other ligament pains which are common during pregnancy. It is easily absorbed in blood stream by soaking feet in warm water with Epsom salt mixed in it. Many studies have been done on this and there is scientific evidence to prove it.
- Relieves Stress
Research shows that Epsom salt is a natural anti-depressant and relieves stress. So when one soaks feet in warm water by mixing Epsom salt to it one feels relieved from all stresses of the day.
- Raises magnesium levels
The need for magnesium increases during pregnancy so it is good for the child and mother to use Epsom salt during pregnancy.
- Relief from pain and itching caused by stretching
Pregnant women often experience itching as their skin stretches to accommodate the growing fetus.
An Epsom salt soak will soothe itching and give a refreshing feeling to the body..
How to use Epsom salts
To make an Epsom salt soak use a tub which could contain two liters of water so that the fee are easily soaked in it. Put half cup of Epsom salt and soak you feeet for 20-25 minutes. This is a very good cleanser too.
Use and enjoy the benefits. Share with us your experience. Best of luck
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