Hi Everyone! Today’s post is going to be a little different, a little more informal and less structured. I was going to write a movie review actually, but I decided against it. I actually wanted to sit down and talk to you guys about my experiences these past months getting into blogging and learning a whole host of things I didn’t even dream of before I started my blogging journey. My Blogging Journey started as a way to just kick start and motivate me to write and also share some of my experiences and to spread Pakistani culture.
However, it has actually helped me a lot to structure and regulate my writing habits as well as make it easier to write. I used to spend all my time thinking and planning to write things and then never actually doing anything. Can you believe that I started a novel In ninth grade and still haven’t progressed beyond the first chapter? I found myself unable to write and got stuck so bad that by now my inspiration for that idea has completely dried up.
This is the way that blogging has helped me the most, helping me force myself to actually start writing again, it’s helped to bring a routine structure to my thoughts and ideas and plans. There are a lot of obligations and pressures involved in running a blog, but I have found that instead of limiting my imagination, they have helped me grow beyond always waiting for inspiration to strike. Nowadays I don’t wait for that strike of lightening, that perfect moment of clarity, and I no longer a slave to the muse; I have actually discovered that when I sit myself down and just start writing that it allows my ideas and thought processes and imagination to grow and develop. I have progressed to the point where I can sit down and type a short story in a few hours, where just a few months ago, I would have spent months simply planning and dithering.
My point is that I am grateful to have found this avenue and I would like to share a few things about my blogging journey that I haven’t really shared before.
I actually run a second blog, which is a photo blog, where I post my own and my father’s photography. Most of those pictures are taken in Pakistan and when I started that blog I wanted to share the photos, but I felt like they didn’t really have a purpose or fit in with the brief of Charda Suuraj. That’s why I made a separate blog for them, that blog is the-luna-blog.blogspot.com. I named this one after my cat Luna (yes, as in Luna Lovegood) as it is a much more informal and casual effort than Charda Suuraj. The Luna Blog is easy to post on and very much casual, I don’t give nearly the same amount of focus as I do Charda Suuraj. However it too has made me both more productive and more interested in life around me. I never used to be eager to document my life, however now I have found myself developing a fondness for photography. Here are some of the pictures I post there, if you have the time go check them out:
I would also like to mention in my post how many nice people and other blogs I have found which have helped me one way or another on my blogging journey. This one time a fellow blogger actually spent hours explaining SEO to me on Facebook! I have been completely astonished and very grateful for the support and encouragement of these people. I would like to take this point to send a shoutout to some of my favorite bloggers.
- One of them is Mr Emanuel Ekanem, a Nigerian blogger that helped me out a lot when I started, his blog is NobleLoaded at https://www.nobleloaded.com, and he post blogging tips and help there.
- Also I would like to thank Mr. Keith Channing for always supporting and liking our blog posts, he runs an awesome blog about writing and sharing stories called Keith Kreates at https://keithchanning.wordpress.com.
- Some other bloggers I would like to thank for similar reasons are Mistimann, who runs a gorgeous and mouthwatering food blog at https://mistimaan.wordpress.com, Also, Ms. Zahrah from Zahthinks @ https://zahthinks.wordpress.com/, Mr. Nenad Bozic/Nash Christmas from Open Source @ https://them312.wordpress.com, and Mr. Sunith @ https://sunithkollara.com, thank you guys for supporting and encouraging me in my blogging adventure.
- There are numerous others who helped me on my blogging journey besides but some of them I left out because I wasn’t sure if they would be comfortable being named and others I am sure I have forgotten to mention. Regardless I would like to thank them all for being a great source of support, education and inspiration.
I have actually recently not been interacting as much with blogging community as I got so busy with things on ground for launching my Business and affiliate program, but now that things have settled down a bit, I am going to refocus on this aspect of blogging.
This your story is very encouraging,keep on the good work.
Hello Daima, this is indeed a nice post you got here. Really enjoyed reading your blogging journey story.
Its indeed a great one, glad you fully join the blogosphere community.
Keep growing.
Commenting from https://www.Elochi.com.ng
Daima Hussain
Thanks so much!
Emmanuel Ekanem
Hello Daima, I just came across this post today.
Your journey is really an interesting one, and I’m happy you’re moving well. I’m proud of your progress so far.
And I know you’ll go farther than this. Keep it going. 💪
And thank you so much, I really appreciate the mention.
Daima Hussain
You’re very welcome, you really helped me a lot at the beginning.
Emmanuel Ekanem
I’m glad to be part of the journey.. Am always available, you can hit me up anytime.
Daima Hussain
Thanks so Much Emmanuel!