Reach for the Light

epsom salt, Newsletter

Charda Suuraj’s First Ever Newsletter!

Eid Mubarak
Welcome to Charda Suuraj’s First Ever Newsletter!

To all our wonderful and awesome subscribers, we wish you a happy and Blessed Eid-ul-Azha! We wanted to let you guys know what we have been up to this month and the exciting news of our first product launch! We really couldn’t have done it without your support! Please keep visiting and supporting our blog.

Charda Suuraj Epsom Salt

Epsom Salt is an all-natural miraculous health booster that raises your magnesium levels and makes you healthier and stronger – faster than ever before.
Here at Charda Suuraj, we sell Pure Crystalline EPSOM SALT in 1kg boxed packages. To buy our product click Add to Cart.

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Beauty Tip #26: Deep Cleansing Epsom Salt Mask

This Deep Cleansing Epsom Salt Mask combines the healing and cleansing powers of Epsom Salt and Honey to get of free radicals, hydrate your skin, and remove toxins from the face… Read More



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This Song undoubtedly tops my Summer Playlist because not only is it catchy, addictive and has a great beat, it also has a deep meaning… Read More



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  1. Thank you Daima for your kind wishes…

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