Walk on the moon
With two straight legs
Or twisted spider feet aglow
The pathway twists and winds,
Thinner and longer, the further you go,
An archimedean spiral; anfractuositical
Walk on the wind,
With arms as wings,
Spread out to stop the flow,
Air bending through thoughts,
And feathers alike, lungs alight
With it’s vivifying flux, an efficacious elixir
Walk on a leaf,
Stepping on its veins,
Sapping the strength from
An organism more hardy than human
Bright and verdant supporter of miniscule
Lifeforms sustained within it’s hollow breast
Walk on your dreams
Like stepping on a nullity
Yet, they support you, afloat,
Yes, they have that strength, that power
If you will it. The path may be steep but it
Will lead to where you wish to go indeed.
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