Drama Background
Saima Akram Chaudhry and Danish Nawaz have produced “Kaala Doriya,” with combined efforts with its ensemble cast and lighthearted story. The drama, which features Osman Khalid Butt and Sana Javed in the lead roles, also features Farhan Ali Agha, Zainab Qayyum, Sohail Sameer, Nadia Afgan, Samina Ahmed, Khalid Anam, Ali Safina, and others.
Mahnoor and Asfand, who are respectively portrayed by Sana Javed and Osman Khalid Butt, are central figures in Kaala Doriya. Their families are estranged from one another and are frequently at odds. They are both students at the same college and are constantly making fun of one another. The conflict between Asfand and Mahnoor resulted in an intriguing bond between the two of them. They eventually develop a romantic relationship with one another. For their families, however, this news is shocking because they are unable to grasp its gravity. Everyone will be interested in this love story angle.
Two sons (Sohail Sameer and Farhan Ali Agha) who live next to one another and have been at war for the past five years are the focus of the narrative. Asfand (Osman Khalid Butt) and Mahnoor (Sana Javed), two of their children who are sworn enemies, have been fuelled by their parents’ rage. The person who is suffering the most as a result of being caught in the middle of her family and her in-laws’ conflict is Asfand’s Bhabi, who is also Mahnoor’s sister.
The two men’s parents are also split up, suffering, and living separately. It’s important to note that the casting is terrible because Khalid Anam and Samina Ahmed are portrayed as the grandparents, and Nadia Afgan can be seen calling Khalid Anam, who is only a few years older than her, “Abba Ji.”. Khalid Anam is delightful to watch as usual, but this feels miscast. Is there a shortage of older actors who could have been cast in this role?
The fact that “Kaala Doriya” feels like “Suno Chanda,” “Chupke Chupke,” and “Hum Tum” all rolled into one must be stated right away. Not only are many of the faces repeated, but dialogue has also been recycled as if it were on a checklist, with “Jaisa muun waisi chapair” appearing to be at the top. There isn’t much enjoyment in the repetition. The situation comes across as being too extreme, giving the show a slightly OTT “feel.”.
To put it simply, Mahnoor and Asfand are too badtameez, with Asfand refusing to greet his grandfather and Mahnoor insulting her older sister over an interaction between adults. To me, the narrative does not come across as humorous at this point, rather it feels needlessly cruel. At the end of the entire drama, the takeaway is “what did the parents do to deserve this?” A fight broke out between two sons, they forced their parents to live apart, and they do not even allow them to speak on the phone. But it’s great that there’s a lighthearted show on right now, and it was fun to view the drama.
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