Reach for the Light


A desultory poem

pregnant woman under cloudy sky in silhouette photography

Photo by Marcos Flores on

I’ve never been in love before
a dream carving up a door
to my insides
the wooden vines wrap right round…
I don’t know if I’ve ever made such a sound

A thing I didn’t know about love
The most random things recall you to me
A song, a sound, the wind, a voice
A touch, a joke, a book, a choice
never knew how profound pop songs could be

Tears in my eyes, bubbling champagne happiness
mood swings, racing hearts, heartbreak,
I never knew that stuff was literal…
the thirst for you I can never slake
the shuddering, blistering heavy ache

I wish this love could wash away,
as blotches of ink off glass,
the more I wish, the more you stay
embedded, stuck, the vines have thorns, aye
Their blooms poisonous

I’m not a teen anymore, it hits me.
It’s just a crush, I reassure myself…
It’s cortisol, dopamine, just a chemical reaction..
This ain’t no crush, hon (faint)
I tell myself, you’re pathetic, grow up, take action
You can get over it, forget, in fractions.

But it comes back,
in waves it comes
rising up and swallowing me
I’ve never felt love before I realize
You must kill your heart before it dies.

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  1. Pervaiz A Sankhla

    Very nice

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