Reach for the Light


Pakistani Drama: Raaz-e-Ulfat OST English Translation


This is an English translation of the Original soundtrack of the Pakistani Drama; Raaz-e-Ulfat. The Romanized lyrics can be found at Wave.


(Man): Only you are in my thoughts

Only you lie in my subconscious

No tears waited/stayed

Behind the net of my eyelashes

(Woman): Was I happy when had you?

Did I cry when I lost you?

What can anyone do?

When our fate lies slumbering


(Man): This is the secret of love

That it can turn the path of every tear

I am very happy since…

I stopped thinking of you

(Woman): I am still alive, but the pain you gave me

Is not a small amount

(Man): I am very happy since…

I stopped thinking of you

(Man): If you had only written me on your heart

Before the interference of fate

Then this passion would have become colourful

Before every picture was set in stone

(Woman): Only I know how you broke this heart


(Man): This is the secret of love

That it can turn the path of every tear

I am very happy since…

I stopped thinking of you

(Woman): I am still alive, but the pain you gave me

Is not a small amount

(Man): I am very happy since…

I stopped thinking of you

(Woman): Yet some fire was left

Of meeting and part from you

Of my mind and heart scattering

Of ripping out my breaths

(Man): The relationship that broke because of you

Don’t know why you didn’t try to fix it


(Man): This is the secret of love

That it can turn the path of every tear

I am very happy since…

I stopped thinking of you

(Woman): I am still alive, but the pain you gave me

Is not a small amount

(Man): I am very happy since…

I stopped thinking of you

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  1. Alia

    Can someone explain the meaning behind this song? Like are they saying in sarcasm or actually they are happy as they separated?

  2. Wasna

    Impeccable translation!!!

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