Hi everyone! Today I’m answering the Ultimate Book Tag! I found this Tag on Kirsty Hanson’s blog @thebibliophilegirluk.com. I loved the questions so I wanted to answer it.
Do You Get Sick While Reading In The Car?
Nope, I am notorious for reading everywhere and anywhere I possibly can, I sometimes even read while walking, like Kakashi from Naruto.
Which Author’s Writing Style Is Completely Unique To You And Why?
Meg Cabot’s Boy Meets Girl is one of the most uniquely written books to me, because it is written like a series of emails, memos, and records of real life conversations.

Another name that comes to mind when we talk about writing styles is that of A Clockwork Orange, the author uses a made up language as well as English.

Harry Potter or Twilight? Give 3 Reasons Why.
Harry Potter because:

- Harry Potter was the first proper novel that I ever read.
- The world of Hogwarts is endlessly fascinating.
- It is one of the most fun to read books.
Do You Carry A Book Bag? If So, What’s In It (Besides Books)?
Nope, I don’t carry a separate bag just for books (not since college). Nowadays, I usually have books on my tablet or phone, whichever I carry with me.
Do You Smell Your Books?
Ummm…. no?
Books With or Without Illustrations?
I don’t really care about illustrations; I don’t mind them, but I will not go out of my way to seek them out.

What Book Did You Love While Reading, But Discovered Later It Wasn’t Quality Writing?
My answer is: the House of Night series by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast. I loved these books while reading them, but almost immediately after I was done I reflected on them and realized they were not the greatest piece of literature ever written after all. (They still hold a tiny nook of my heart).

Do You Have Any Funny Stories Involving Books From Your Childhood?

Ok, this is more embarrassing than funny, but, back when I was eleven; I used to imagine myself IN LOVE with Harry Potter (the character), and wrote Daniel Radcliffe a realllly long letter about why he should become my best friend. His team was kind enough to send back an autographed photograph of him, but at the time I was soo mad at him that I vowed never to watch another film of his ever again.
What Is The Thinnest Book On Your Shelf?
I think it’s the Old Man and the Sea by Earnest Hemingway.

What Is the Thickest Book On Your Shelf?

If you’re talking novels it’s most likely my copy of the complete set of the Chronicles of Narnia, otherwise Intermediate Accounting wins by a landslide.
Do You Write As Well As Read? Do You See Yourself Being An Author In the Future?
Yup, I have written a collection of short stories (not published) and am working on a novel.
When Did You Get Into Reading?

I remember it quite clearly, I was in 2nd Grade and I started reading Enid Blyton, since then I’ve been hooked.
What Is Your Favorite Classic Book?
It is a tie between Ivanhoe, Pride and Prejudice and Wuthering Heights.
What Was Your Best Subject In School?
English. I was great at it, almost always got good marks.
If You Were Given A Book As A Present That You Read Before And Hated, What Would You Do?
If I already have a copy of it, I would gift it to someone else, otherwise I would still keep it.
What Is A Lesser Known Series That You Know Of That Is Similar to Harry Potter or the Hunger Games?
I haven’t read it myself, however it has been recommended to me multiple times: The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel by Michael Scott.

What Is Your Favorite Word?
It changes from day to day. Today it’s effervescence.

Are You A Nerd, Dork, or Dweeb?
I’m a cross between a nerd and a dork, I have weird interests and I take my studies very seriously.
Vampires or Fairies? Why?
Fairies, they are just so much prettier, plus they have better powers.
Shapeshifters or Angels? Why?
Angels. I find the wings to be absolutely breathtaking.
Spirits or Werewolves? Why?
Um, I’m kinda not a fan of either.
Zombies or Vampires? Why?
Vampires all the way, I hate zombies. Ugh.
Love Triangles or Forbidden Love?
I don’t really enjoy love triangles, because they are almost always handled badly. Forbidden love on the other hand tugs at your heartstrings.
Full on Romance Books Or Action-Packed With A Few Love Scenes?
I don’t really read “action” books, I either read full on romance, Sci-fi, fantasy or YA, sometimes with a few spy/detective stories thrown in.
That’s it folks!
I tag anyone who wants to do the tag.
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