Hello everyone! I know it’s been a while since I posted anything, but there’s a reason: I wrote my first book! It’s ironic, considering I once said I’m not much of a poet—this book is actually a collection of my poems.

The book is titled Tides of Emotion, and it explores the feelings we all experience in life. It even includes some illustrations by me. As the author, I’m not sure how good it really is, but I’m excited to share it nonetheless. I hope some of you will do me the honor of becoming readers of my book as well as this blog.
Tides of Emotion is divided into several sections. It starts with a hamd (praise of God). The next section, Emotional Currents, describes emotions. After that comes a section called Reflections on Life, followed by a section on love called The Language of the Heart. After The Language of the Heart is a section of descriptive poems designed to evoke emotions titled Visceral Sensations. Lastly, there is a section on narratives titled Verses That Speak.
You can get the book all over Pakistan at this store:
I’ll include the back cover description for your perusal:
Can you find a poem that rewinds,
The tales we left in childhood minds?
A little laughter, a thoughtful sigh,
Moments of truth that make us cry.
Ups and downs of love and pain,
A dizzy toss of joy and strain.
This book holds all—a treasure trove,
Stories that wander, rhymes that rove.
Through anger’s fire, through loss and cheer,
Through quiet joy and creeping fear.
Told through a lens both young and true,
These poems will feel like home to you.
So turn the page, come take a part,
And find yourself in every heart

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