About the drama

“Judwaa” was a part of the anthology television series ‘Haqeeqat’ consisting of a collection of assorted family stories which premiered on 1 December 2019 on A-Plus TV. The “Judwaa – Haqeeqat” series aired weekly with a different cast and story for each episode. The word Judwaa means twins, and the drama is about twin sisters. This episode went viral due to the patently absurd story.
The Episode
The drama “Judwaa – Haqeeqat” has quite a strange premise: Twin sisters are married to brothers in the same house and are subjected to a tragic misunderstanding that causes one of the twins to lose her ‘honor’. The subsequent upheavals in their lives lead to a very scandalous social situation for them.
My Overall Thoughts
I’ll be honest and tell you that I had fun with this one: it was kinda hilarious and soooo cheesy (I sorta love a little bit of cheese though…). It was short and I had to suspend my disbelief pretty far, but I still enjoyed myself. It got a little bit too cringy partway through, but the rest was alright.
The Best Parts of the drama “Judwaa – Haqeeqat”
The costumes… I guess? It really is not that realistic and the premise is weird, as well as cringy.
I quite liked the wedding and suhagraat scenes with their ambiance and pretty glittering costumes.
The Casting
The main actress is very pretty and while the whole thing is over-acted to an absurd degree, the gorgeous lead actress and her companion make it fun to watch.
Things That Were Not Good
Basically… everything. The plot was weird, the acting exaggerated, the storyline unbelievably convenient and the themes were wayyy too on the nose. I like dramas with themes and moral lessons as much as the next person, but I don’t enjoy being bashed over the head with it. Subtlety is the key to moral lessons in my opinion, and this drama wouldn’t know subtlety if the director got hit on the head with it.
My Final Thoughts
The drama was fun to make fun of.
My rating for this drama is 4/10.
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The Drama “ Judwaa – Haqeeqat ” and all of its materials are owned by A Plus and its various producers and Entertainment companies. We are merely using some of them in this post to illustrate a point (fair use). If you wish for your materials to be taken down please contact us and we will remove them immediately.
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