I found this book tag while cruising through book blogs on WordPress on theorangutanlibrarian’s website, I loved her response so I wanted to write one myself.
- Mention the creator of the tag and link back to original post [Alexandra@ReadingbyStarlight]
- Thank the blogger who tagged you
- Answer the 10 questions below using any genre
- Tag 5+ friends
Secrets and lies: a book set in a sleepy small town

Anne of Green Gables, to this day one of my favourite small-town reads; recommended to every teenage girl (and everyone else).
Salt and sand: a book with a beach-side community

The only ones that came to mind were Old Man and the Sea, and Twilight, so I picked Twilight.
Here there be dragons: a book with a voyage on the high seas
Instantly reminded of: The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.
Tread lightly: a book set down a murky river or a jungle
The Knife of Never Letting Go is an awesome book that gripped my imagination immediately.
Frozen wastes: a book with a frost bitten atmosphere
This one’s easy: what can beat the chilling temperatures of the North? The Game of Thrones.
The boonies: a book with ruff or isolated terrain

The Last Hour of Gann by R. Lee Smith, God – I did not think I would enjoy this book as much as I did a gripping, dark fantasy romance that swept me away.
Hinterlands and cowboys: a book with a western-esque setting

I don’t really read many books with cowboys… But the Indian in the Cupboard counts right? Right.
Look lively: a book set across sweeping desert sands

The Woman Who Rides Like a Man by Tamora Pierce, I cannot praise this series enough. In fact I cannot praise this author enough; I’ve loved everything she’s ever written.
Wild and untamed: a book set the heart of the woods

Stardust by Neil Gaiman – great book with an awesome movie, loved both.
Wildest dreams: a whimsical book shrouded in magic

This last one cannot help but make me want to squeal about Harry Potter, there is another really awesome novel that deserves recognition, so I chose Ella Enchanted. (the book is so much better than the movie).
Anne of Green gables is a great pick 🙂 And game of thrones is so good- can’t believe I didn’t think of it! I love Tamora pierce and stardust as well 🙂 Thanks for linking to my post!
Daima Hussain
You’re very welcome! Thanks for inspiring me, loved reading your answers.
Daima Hussain
You’re very Welcome! Thanks for inspiring me, I loved reading your answers.