May Allah’s immaculate grace and exceptional wisdom conquer your life as you celebrate this holy month of Ramadan 2020. Have a blessed and peaceful Ramadan!
Due to the harrowing circumstances we are lla facing this year because of COVID-19. I would like to entreat all our readers to take this oppurtunity to pray for all of mankind, no matter if you are a non-muslim, we can all stand together and do at least this. Hopefully our prayers will be answered. Pray together this Ramadan 2020.

Where chilling winds return the winter past,
Phillis Wheatley
And nature shudders at the furious blast.
O thou stupendous, earth-enclosing main
Exert thy wonders to the world again!
If ere thy pow’r prolong’d the fleeting breath,
Turn’d back the shafts, and mock’d the gates of death,
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